For all you mama’s who have 2 under 2, you all are saints!
I met Jeannie on Facebook in 2020 when she reached out, looking for someone to photograph her baby who she just brought home from the NICU. As a NICU mama myself and wanting to practice newborn photography, I offered to do her photos.
Little did we know, just a year later, I would be welcomed back into their home to photograph their 2nd child! And let me just say, there is something so magical about getting to do photos anytime during the Christmas season.
Ash was born November 16th, 2021 at 8:37 a.m. by a scheduled C-Section. He came into this world at a perfect 7lb and 12 oz!
Jeannie was so sweet to send me her birth story, accompanied with thoughts and feelings she had having a second child so soon after having a preemie (Ember, who was born at 26 weeks and 1 day weighing at 1 lb 6.8 oz). I would love to share her story in her words.
“Ash was a complete accident (sort of). I refuse to go on birth control because of past issues and we were just using protection. And two margaritas led to, well you know. Having Ember the way everything happened I was absolutely terrified. Luckily my OB was amazing, and I didn’t have to go through the same thing. It was very stressful and my anxiety was through the roof. So much so that I did end up quitting my very stressful job in September. I was afraid it would cause the same issues that I had while pregnant with Ember. Once I hit about 30 weeks the anxiety started to subside. I was getting more and more excited. I actually hadn’t even bought any boy things till around then even. We have all girls on both sides of the family so I was convinced it was a mistake.
It sucked going into the hospital again for yet another baby born during covid. Having to wear masks, and no one being allowed to visit. But that has been the only experience I have gotten to have. Ash came out a boy as predicted and we are very excited to have him join our family. My mom guilt of having what I feel is so little time with Ember is beginning to subside, as she seems excited to see him each day. And eventually she will have a friend to play with when he is bigger. He is a blessing and we are overjoyed now that he is here and that my pregnancy didn’t have any issues.”
I am so grateful to be a part of Jeannie and Chris’s lives, being able to celebrate both Ember and Ash’s arrival with them. Being a NICU mama can be so scary, but I think the fears of having the next child sometimes can be scarier. I’m so amazed at the strength and faith Jeannie had through this pregnancy and birth, and what a beautiful baby boy Ash is!
Enjoy these photos from his session! Also, if you look closely in the family photos, you’ll see on the mantle some framed photos from our first photo session together 🙂

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